Imagino el territorio del Prat de LLobregat, primigenio hostil y la la heroicidad de los antepasados para ir ganando territorio al mar y al río, que enfrentarse a tierras pantanosas, parásitos, lluvia y humedad para cultivar. Las etapas de industrialización, que conllevaron la quema de combustibles fósiles, el derrame de los residuos tóxicos en el río y en el mar; la polución del aire y el aumento de ciudadanos. Las contaminaciones por el funcionamiento del aeropuerto y las fábricas actuales, pero también, por los coches y transportes. Las políticas medioambientales han recuperado la calidad del agua dulce y salada. Pero la desviación del caudal del río ha introducido en él el agua salada y el riesgo de salinización de los acuíferos.
Frenar el cambio climático conlleva un posicionamiento personal para presionar en el fin del modelo energético global basado en la quema de combustibles fósiles, a favor de otras energías más limpias. Tendría gracia que el territorio ganado al mar, terminara "engullido" por una subida del nivel del mar.
Greenpeace report warned a few months ago about the thaw that are
suffering from the Arctic polar cap and the outer layer of Greenland
glaciers for global warming caused by greenhouse gases. In addition to seawater, it is heated, dilated, and causes an increase in its level.In
2005 a protocol was signed in Kyoto that compromised the industrialized
countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, to
control climate change. Replacing gas like CFC, which produced a hole in the atmospheric ozone
layer, the use of fluorinated gases, such as HCF, PFC and SFC, did not
reduce global warming.
imagine the Prat of Llobregat city as the hostile primitive territory and the heroicity of the
ancestors to gain territory to the sea and the river, to face marshy
lands, parasites, rain and moisture to grow. The
stages of industrialization, which led to the burning of fossil fuels,
the spillage of toxic waste into the river and the sea; the pollution of the air and the increase of citizens. Contaminations by the operation of the airport and the current factories, but also, by the cars and transports. Environmental policies have recovered the quality of fresh and salt water. But the deviation of the flow of the river has introduced salt water into it and the risk of salinization of aquifers.Stopping
climate change involves personal positioning to put an end to the end
of the global energy model based on burning fossil fuels, in favor of
other cleaner energies. I would be grateful that the territory won at sea would end up "swallowed" by a rise in sea level.