La caldera feminista ha engullido la palabra patriarcado. Las planchas que lo conforman presentan en la parte inferior escritos que nos hablan de los grupos que dieron origen al feminismo español : el feminismo de la igualdad y el feminismo de la diferencia, como soportes-referentes del primer feminismo de los 70, en el que todavía se podía hablar de Mujer como un sujeto único. En la actualidad podemos hablar de multitud de sujetos mujer.
La cubierta es un gran plato que habla de los feminismos actuales, que desde la multiplicidad, piensan en construir espacios autónomos en los que las relaciones sociales no sean de dominación: romper/ evidenciar diferentes técnicas utilizadas por el patriarcado y los micromachismos actuales. Debajo del plato aparecen las letras que conforman la palabra patriarcado: rotas, reparadas, quemadas. El mantel son las cenizas del patriarcado que caen del caldero/a.
El vaso propone entender las mediaciones femeninas como unos vehículos para desmontar las estructuras de poder y dominación basadas en la violencia. Contraponer la dulzura que es experiencia, conocer las cicatrices del otro, tener la capacidad de subvertir y ejercer el entendimiento y saber consensuar: es cambiar los funcionamientos basados en el poder y violencia, en sabiduría femenina.El cuchillo habla de espontaneidad y la invención creativa como herramientas. La cuchara de repensar el feminismo en términos de alianzas que producen un tejido. El tenedor habla del trabajo teórico de la recuperación, de visibilizar mujeres artistas, filósofas, músicas, científicas, desdibujas o ocultas.
The feminist boiler has swallowed the word patriarchy. The
plates that comprise it have written on and lower part, that tell us about the
groups that gave rise to spanish feminism: the feminism of equality and the
feminism of difference, as supports-referents of the first feminism of the 70s,
in which you could still
talk about Women as a unique subject. Currently
we can talk about a multitude of female subjects.
The cover is a great dish that speaks of current feminisms, which from the multiplicity, think about building autonomous spaces in which social relations are not domination: breaking / evidencing different techniques used by patriarchy and current micromachisms. Below the plate appear the letters that make up the word patriarchy: broken, repaired, burned. The tablecloth is the ashes of patriarchy that fall from the cauldron.
The glass proposes to understand the feminine mediations as vehicles to dismantle the structures of power and domination based on violence. Counteract the sweetness that is experience, know the scars of the other, have the ability to subvert and exercise understanding and know consensus: is to change the operations based on power and violence, feminine wisdom. The knife speaks of spontaneity and creative invention as tools. The spoon of rethinking feminism in terms of alliances that produce a fabric. The fork speaks of the theoretical work of recovery, of making visible women artists, philosophers, musicians, scientists, blurs or hidden.
The cover is a great dish that speaks of current feminisms, which from the multiplicity, think about building autonomous spaces in which social relations are not domination: breaking / evidencing different techniques used by patriarchy and current micromachisms. Below the plate appear the letters that make up the word patriarchy: broken, repaired, burned. The tablecloth is the ashes of patriarchy that fall from the cauldron.
The glass proposes to understand the feminine mediations as vehicles to dismantle the structures of power and domination based on violence. Counteract the sweetness that is experience, know the scars of the other, have the ability to subvert and exercise understanding and know consensus: is to change the operations based on power and violence, feminine wisdom. The knife speaks of spontaneity and creative invention as tools. The spoon of rethinking feminism in terms of alliances that produce a fabric. The fork speaks of the theoretical work of recovery, of making visible women artists, philosophers, musicians, scientists, blurs or hidden.
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